
The blacklist bot !

ProtectList features


A powerful blacklist to find out bad Discord users!


A complete moderation module that will allow you to perfectly manage your server.


A premium system available for free by voting on!


Total servers


Total users


Blacklisted users

All commands

/automod - Add rules to the server automod
/panel - Setup the bot on the server
/roles - Manage the roles of a member
/slowmode - Slowmode a channel
/unslowmode - Unslowmode a channel

/manage - Make action about blacklisted users Premium
/report - Report a user to be adde to the blacklist
/scan - Scan a user to find out if he is blacklisted
/scanguild - Get all blacklisted users of a guild

/help - Get all bot commands
/ping - Get the bot latency and the Discord latency
/premium - Know how get the premium
/userinfo - Get informations about a user

/actions - Get all actions from a moderator Premium
/ban - Ban a user
/banlist - Get all server bans
/clear - Delete some messages
/delete - Delete an infraction
/edit - Edit an infraction Premium
/infractions - Get all infractions of a user
/kick - Kick a user
/monitor - Manage the users monitoring Premium
/prune - Delete some user messages
/quarantine - Quarantine a user Premium
/timeout - Timeout a user
/timeoutlist - Get all timeouted users
/unban - Unban a user
/unquarantine - Unquarantine a user Premium
/untimeout - Untimeout a user
/warn - Warn a user

Top Servers using ProtectList